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ke článku: Vítejte v phpRS!
ze dne 11.06.2001, autor článku: administrator

Komentář ze dne: 19.11.2013 14:16:57
Autor: imdqqtbmc (faddenrclv@hotmail.com)
Titulek: wholesale jersey late scoring drives were the 49ers' undoing in losses to the sa
The Seahawks called time just before the ball was snapped, and Bryant's kick sailed right of the upright. That turned out to be nothing more than practice. The next one was right down the middle as Bryant took off in the other direction, pumping his fist before he was mobbed by his teammates..We're not going to apologize for being 61."Despite Chicago's offensive shortcomings, Marshall has 675 yards on 50 receptions 13 more catches than any Bears receiver had all of last season.The Bears might have a good chance for some consistent offensive success against the Titans (35), who rank 30th in total defense (421.2 yards per game) and 31st in scoring defense (32.1 ppg).Chicago is giving up 14.3 points per contest, and Tim Jennings' interception return against the Panthers accounted for the team's NFLleading sixth defensive TD.The Bears hold a 1 1/2game division lead over Green Bay and Minnesota, but would like to take advantage of an inconsistent Tennessee team before a second hal

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"wholesale jersey late scoring drives were the 49ers' undoing in losses to the sa"

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