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CRC 2009
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Copyright Vláďa Krejčík, 2009 - 2013


ke článku: Pracovní kalendář CZRC 2011
ze dne 08.02.2011, autor článku: Vláďa Krejčík

Komentář ze dne: 24.11.2014 11:57:04
Autor: Andy socacz0d3cls (mariachi@azet.sk )
Billig canada goose jacka This Garin friend, your prior consent, but also know another thing. Bray Miding friends and unrest, the suspect is on earth. I never had to monitor people on earth. Grade parents are not small, very bad temper my father, my mother timid, people are stupid, but also perennial poor health, I at home when my father often teased her, not to mention I not at home it ? I think of my mother bullied looked as sad, but I live in Shenzhen, leisurely and carefree life. I grew more and more uneasy, although my husband reminded me that if I go back to life, that even if the marriage between us is over. But I decided to go home, December 17 I went back to Guilin train, her husband was at work and know that I want to go home, let his brother take me to the station, and so I said 10 days, if with his back to Shenzhen live together, he let bygones be bygones, as always, for me, the last thing on when not happen, but do door law commitment to quit, he would have been living and

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