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ke článku: Změna pravidel
ze dne 14.01.2012, autor článku: Frantin Doležal

Komentář ze dne: 25.11.2013 23:56:07
Autor: kfistonxr (faddenrclv@hotmail.com)
Titulek: wholesale jersey the bcs deal is likely still a winner for espn
This comes as no surprise to fans in NFL markets such as Tampa/St. Petersburg, where the Tampa Bay Buccaneers were blacked out on local CBS and Fox affiliates five times after having their entire slate of home games taken off television in 2010. This is just standard operating procedure for a league that renewed its television deal with CBS, Fox (NWS) and NBC (CMCSA) through 2022, increased its take from $1.9 billion per year to $3.1 billion and potentially boosted overall revenue by as much as 60%.Eli is not, has never been, and probably never will be as good as Tom Brady is right now. We can talk about career achievements like Super Bowls (Brady has won more but Manning won last) and that Brady has a better coach, a better system, (when he was injured, his replacement took over and not only got to the playoffs but played well enough to earn a fat contract from his next team). Even if you argue (as Bill Walsh did with Joe Montana) that it more system than QB, that still wouldn acc

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"wholesale jersey the bcs deal is likely still a winner for espn"

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