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CRC 2009
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ke článku: Jak probíhá registrace pro 8. ročník CRC?
ze dne 27.01.2012, autor článku: Frantin Doležal

Komentář ze dne: 21.11.2013 21:23:22
Autor: owpkbtesv (faddenrclv@hotmail.com)
Titulek: cheap nba jerseys the 49ers tabbed him with the sixth pick of the draft
5. THE STREAK IS OVER: No more will the Lions have to deal with questions about never winning at Washington, a streak that began during the Great Depression. The RG3 fumble and the Robinson replay reversal are the types of breaks they couldn't get during their 21game road losing streak to the Redskins.Against a team Reid coached for 14 seasons, the Chiefs forced five turnovers and safety Eric Berry returned a tipped pass 38 yards for a score. Still, with a 100 lead, the Chiefs kept the Eagles hanging around until Justin Houston's sack strip and fumble recovery sealed the win in the fourth quarter.Kansas City's defense has played very well this season and so has Houston, who registered 4 1/2 sacks in Philly and leads the NFL with 7 1/2. Houston owns 12 1/2 sacks in 10 career games against the NFC."You guys know how hard it is to win games in the National Football League," Reid said.

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"cheap nba jerseys the 49ers tabbed him with the sixth pick of the draft"

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