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ke článku: Autumn Rc Rally s překvapením?
ze dne 24.10.2012, autor článku: Frantin Doležal

Komentář ze dne: 20.11.2013 14:45:50
Autor: uqwnfvaoo (faddenrclv@hotmail.com)
Titulek: wholesale jersey after a week in which saskatchewan lost to the winnipeg blue bo
Absolutely. Just ask Trent Cole, whose mitt to the side of Peyton Manning helmet did little real damage but drew, by strict enforcement of the rules, a 15yard penalty. And Kurt Coleman, whose crushing hit left Austin Collie motionless, and Darren Sharper, who knocked out Jonathan Stewart, should get their checkbooks ready.The Wiz don't play basketball so much as they try to see who can "get his shots." Selfish team. Not basketball smart would be an under statement. They keep saying you have to put up with bad defense from the Wiz because they are "a team of shooters." What a joke.

The anticipation of a blowout of that magnitude is directly related to the 'Spygate' incident and the Patriots running up the score against opponents during this great run towards immortality. Mangini doesn't buy into the theory that New England is playing the way they are because of the incident. "I think that New England is an extremely well coached team with a lot of t

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"wholesale jersey after a week in which saskatchewan lost to the winnipeg blue bo"

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