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CRC 2009
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Copyright Vláďa Krejčík, 2009 - 2013


ke článku: VII. RC Rally Borek - přeložen!
ze dne 19.03.2013, autor článku: Frantin Doležal

Komentář ze dne: 08.08.2014 11:04:41
Autor: monyDave (v3yz1z9o@k.best4mail.com)
Titulek: Cheap coach handbags
Walk into her cafe today and you'll feel you've just stepped back in time by about 60 years. You'll spy its proprietor dressed in one of her usual vintage dresses, hair in rolls, there's a dozen baking pins hanging on the wall, the atmosphere is so homely with genuinely friendly staff and then there's the menu. If you want a break from the sushi rolls and pesto covered wraps left over from the boom, then The Bake House offers corned beef sandwiches, Dublin coddle and everything else that would remind you of your granny's kitchen..

I turned on the television set. The sound was mute but the images, on every single station, showed the World Trade Centre ablaze. This is where my wife's father, Roger Hawke, has worked for almost 30 years. "He couldn't criticise from the inside, so had to write a book. That's the situation Unesco finds itself in. They can't rock the boat because if they start showing all the damage that's being done to many of their sites, they'll look bad.".

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"Cheap coach handbags"

Jméno (přezdívka): 

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