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ke článku: On-line výsledky z II. RC Autocentrum FICS Rally
ze dne 23.08.2013, autor článku: Frantin Doležal

Komentář ze dne: 21.11.2013 09:56:08
Autor: zkukgezkw (faddenrclv@hotmail.com)
Titulek: wholesale jersey he said he really liked how i played on the goal line
Dallas Cowboys: LB DeMarcus Ware. Ware's threesack performance in Week 17 gave him his second sack title in three years as he finished with 15.5. He has been a constant, never missing a game in his sixyear career while averaging 0.83 sacks a game over the duration.Fans continue to pack Reliant Stadium even as the Texans pile up losses on the field (46 in four years). But the fans are starting to get restless after a season that started with playoff dreams turned into the worst record in the NFL. This spring, the team passed up playmaker Reggie Bush and hometown hero Vince Young to select defensive end Mario Williams in the NFL draft.

How good it must be to be a Colts fan? In Peyton Manning, you get arguably the greatest quarterback of his generation for a dozen years, the Colts tank the 2011 season, toss Manning aside and draft Andrew Luck, who in his rookie season led the Colts into the playoffs. If all goes according to plan, Luck is going to be a great quarterback for a

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"wholesale jersey he said he really liked how i played on the goal line"

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